Learn To Play Guitar Course

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Subscribe To An Online Guitar Course At Your PERIL... UNLESS You've Already Read This FREE Report The Pro's Don't want You To See!"

By Mike Jones

Read the article below to find out exactly what to look for when choosing a guitar tutoring course and how to avoid the pitfalls most beginners make when selecting which course to go for. Looking for a guitar course to teach you how to play the guitar can be an absolute mine field for the beginner guitar student!

The very best place to find guitar lessons that suit your needs is of course the internet. This fantastic medium allows you to leisurely brows through the many courses and guitar lessons that are on offer. The problem we have is that there are literally hundreds to choose from. Well, when it comes down to it you have two choices to make:

Online or Offline?

Years ago people only had one option and that was to book a lesson with a guitar tutor and turn up at a predetermined time to have the guitar lessons. Or on the odd occasion the guitar tutor would come to your home. In this day and age it's all changed, we have many more options open to us. With more choices comes more chances to make costly mistakes, hence why you should try to get it right first time.

Let me explain in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of both online and offline and to help you make the correct decision when choosing which course to go for. Ill first start with online guitar lessons and courses.

Online Guitar Lessons or Courses

What do we mean exactly by an online guitar course? You have basically two methods of accessing online guitar courses and these are by download or by streaming (accessing the material while it is downloading). The downside of this type of course is that the quality tends not to be as good as hard copy DVD courses. The downloadable courses can take quite a while to download if you do not have a super fast internet connection.

Also it is very hard to build up an archive of material that you can refer back to over and over again. This is an absolute MUST HAVE when learning to play an instrument. Look also for a REAL address at the bottom of the webpage or internet site. DO NOT accept a PO Box as an address. A real address tells you that the company is legitimate and responsible. Also make sure they list a contact telephone number should you have any problems.

Offline Guitar Lessons or Courses

What are offline guitar courses?

Offline guitar courses or guitar lessons are lessons that are conducted by a live tutor who either comes to your home or you go to them and they charge you a fee for their services. Finding the right tutor for the job in your area can be a real challenge in itself as there are probably only a handful to choose from and are they any good?

My own personal opinion is that most guitar tutors will give you just enough information to keep you coming back and charge you as much as they can get away with but not to lose you! Not the best scenario.

Here are some disadvantages of going for regular guitar lessons.

* Yet another problem with regular lessons is that that you have to TRAVEL! Or in some circumstances the tutor may come to you. In both cases you have to have your lesson at a predetermined time, meaning (depending on the time of day) your day is shot, everything else has to work around it.

* It is a fact that you will progress quicker if you are learning to place songs and tunes you enjoy. If you tutor is not into the type of music you enjoy then your speed of learning will be reduced.

* If a question pops up while practicing what you've learned, you will need to wait until the next lesson to get it answered and if that's a week away its a long time to wait if you are keen to progress. Ideally you need your questions answering now...

* A lot of people feel very nervous when playing back what they have learned that week to their tutor. They feel under pressure to get it absolutely spot on, when really they would perform at their best when in a relaxed atmosphere in their own surroundings...

So Where Does That Leave YOU?

There is an alternative to both these methods and has the advantages of both systems of learning.

The only alternative and the best alternative in my opinion is to use a system that encompasses both methods. Here it is: You order your product over the internet allowing you to shop around WORLDWIDE. You order your course of guitar lessons on hard copy DVD that is delivered direct to your door. The DVD's will be of very high quality, you will have an instant archive of material you can refer back to over an over again, and the lessons will be in a chronological order giving step by step lessons all by the same tutor.

So if this is my recommendation, which course do you choose???

Again there are many, many courses out there but which ever course you choose it should meet the following criteria:

* A FAST Structured Progression that is VERY EASY to follow and understand.

* A course of lessons created by someone who has a vast experience in the music industry, is a professional (gets paid for playing the guitar and hasnt got a job on the side), knows what he is doing and is not some wizz kid who has learned the guitar, played for about 3-4 years and trying to cash in and make a fast buck

* A course you can study and take part in, in a nice relaxed environment with no pressure put upon you, helping you to progress at lightning pace because you are in a cool, relaxed frame of mind.

* A course of lessons that you know you CAN afford and you know will be great value for money ensuring you'll not get ripped off.

* A Solid, Cast Iron, No Questions Asked, FULL Money Back Guarantee. Just ask your guitar tutor for your money back once he has given you your lesson! It's not repeatable what he'll say!!!

* A course of lessons that doesn't beat around the bush and gives you what you are looking for straight out of the tin bringing you on as fast as possible...

* Lessons that you can refer back to over and over again that will inspire and motivate you with audio, video, illustrations and downloadable teaching aids.

* All The Fast Track Short Cuts That The Professionals DON'T Want You to Know.

If you are in the process of looking for a guitar course or lessons my advice would be to take your time and do your research. There are some very, very good courses out there but be warned there are also some very bad one's. Use this guide to help you to choose a course that you think will best suit your needs.

If there is another piece of advice I can give you it would be this:

Once you decide on a guitar course and you have received your first couple of lessons which you are happy with, stick with the same tutor. This way you will progress more quickly as you will get tuned into one guys teaching methods and not flipping from pillar to post spending fortunes using different tutors methods, books and DVDs which do not carry on from one lesson to the next in a chronological order.

I hope you have found this article informative and I will be posting more in the future on Guitar Lessons taking the beginner through to advanced player in the shortest possible time. - 18762

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Ways to Get Him Back

By Sara Summers

Getting back together with an ex is always difficult. Take the time to follow these few tips and you can make it a bit easier. So many people don't succeed in winning their ex back. It's not really our fault. No one ever handed us an instruction book when we first started dating that taught us how to handle a breakup. Much less, how to get someone back after a breakup. If you want your guy back, better read the following...

1. First and foremost, ditch the negativity. You need to get rid of the negative thoughts. You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have to be willing to be strong. Don't let your emotion and especially depression keep you down. You can't achieve a goal, if you can't keep your emotions in check and your mind clear. Self-pity is destructive and won't help you at all, even in other avenues of life.

2. Learn to accept the fact that the 'way things were' is over. Nothing you can do will ever change what is past. You can't let your mind keep wandering into memories of 'how it used to be'. Focus on what is going on now. If you realize that the relationship of the past wasn't perfect you're heading in the right direction and laying the foundation for you and your ex boyfriend to get back. Remember you are most likely glossing over all the bad stuff that happened. Remember that the breakup didn't just happen overnight, so don't expect to be able to patch things up in a day either.

3. Don't be obsessive. One of guys' major turnoffs are girls who seem desperate. Especially ex boyfriends. You may want to seek comfort by hearing his voice or seeing his face, but if you really want him back, you must back off for a while. Don't continuously call him, text message him, email him, or go to his place or where he hangs out just to see him. Give him time to realize he may have made a mistake. He may begin to actually miss you. Following him around like a lost puppy will only make you look pathetic, and make things harder for you.

4. Change yourself. Be someone men would desire. New clothes, makeup, hairstyle... whatever suits your fancy. If you've picked up a few pounds, start exercising and eating healthy. When you look good on the outside, you're going to start feeling better about yourself on the inside. By feeling good on the inside you will be confident and happy. When you're confident and happy, you will project this image to others. There's nothing more attractive than the aura of confidence, and even an ex-boyfriend isn't immune to this.

5. Take your time. If you've done the four steps, your ex will try getting back in touch with you by himself. Imagine his surprise when he sees the "new" you from step 4. He will probably be sorry that he broke up with you. Keep your physical contact with him to a minimum, if you do see him. Seeing you looking your best and seeing that you've become confident and happy will make him desire you. If you limit your physical contact with him, this will drive him crazy. Don't rush into things and the future relationship will be stronger. - 18762

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Playing Guitar - Learn The Right Way To Avoid Burnout

By Adrian Fletcher

Playing guitar for extended periods of time is really stressful for your back if you don't have good posture. Keeping the following key points in mind should help you maintain a good posture and hold your guitar correctly. When you hold your guitar, the back of the instrument should rest against your stomach. For people who use the right hand for playing guitar, the neck of the guitar will point to their left. The guitar body should rest on your right thigh. Your left hand should go around the guitar's neck while your right arm goes around the body so your hand is near the strings. If it doesn't feel right, try to shift your body around until you feel comfortable and relaxed.

For right handed players, you will use your left hand to form the notes and chords. Bend the fingers on your left hand so they are pressing the strings down on the fret board.

The curvature of the guitar neck allows your hand to fit comfortably into the shape of the neck. Your thumb arches easily over the top of the neck. This thumb position is best for constructing chords. Another option, which is most common when playing guitar scales, is to press your left thumb on the back of the guitar neck. Try using each thumb position, and choose the one that is most comfortable.

Strum the strings with your right hand to make sounds. Position your right arm over the body of the guitar. Your right bicep should rest on the top of the guitar. Position your right hand in front of the guitar's sound hole. When playing guitar, the sound comes out of the sound hole.

Picks are commonly used when playing guitar. Hold the pick between the thumb and forefinger of your right hand. Then, pull the pick across the guitar strings. This is similar to plucking the strings with your fingers, but you will want to use a bit more pressure.

Left-handed musicians do not need to worry. There are two options for playing guitar left handed. First, you can re-string a right-handed guitar to reverse the order of the strings. Second, you can buy a specially made left-handed guitar.

Not only does proper positioning while playing guitar allow you to play for extended periods of time, but it also helps you produce the correct sounds. So take time to learn how to hold the guitar and position your body correctly. - 18762

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iPhone 3G 3rd Party Downloads - Equip Your iPhone With The Best

By Davion Wong

Technology is getting better and better; now you have more than just an iPhone but an iPhone 3G that allows iPhone 3G 3rd party downloads to spice up your iPhone 3G.

The iPhone 3G is Apple's latest baby, and a lot of people are going wild over it. Interestingly, the iPhone 3G is cheaper than the previous model by at least 50%, but somehow, it is able to maintain the same look and quality.

The iPhone 3G is capable of retrieving data from cellular networks faster because of the 3G technology it employs. The phone is also compatible with an operating system that lets you access several features, such as accessing corporate emails and address books, and the like. Moreover, your iPhone 3G can allow iPhone 3G 3rd party downloads, like games and other applications, so you can get yourself entertained any time of the day. .

Don't worry if you have an old version of the iPhone. You only have to upgrade it so you can download 3rd party applications to your iPhone 3G--- and this should not cost you any money at all.

The ability to download 3rd party software to iPhone 3G gives Apple a definite edge over its competitors. Particularly because of this unique offering of Apple, there are now many sites, thousands even, that enable iPhone 3G 3rd party downloads.

Many of these sites are free sites, but before you jump around, know that free sites are not exactly the best sites to download from. In fact, if at all possible, you must avoid them. Free sites are not exactly free sites, after all, because the moment you download from such sites, you are bring in malicious spyware applications into your system. When that happens, your system could crash and you could end up paying a lot of money to have it repaired.

If you want to make iPhone 3G 3rd party downloads in total confidence, go for paid sites. You are likely to find the best value for your money from these sites. Sure, you will have to be a paid member in order to begin downloading, but the high quality images and sounds and the virus-free downloads should make it all worth it.

Whether you are surfing the net or accessing your email or playing online games, the iPhone 3G will make it easier for you. Don't be left behind; get an iPhone 3G now and find out how you can make iPhone 3G 3rd party downloads by going over my site. - 18762

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Information On Guitar For Beginners

By James Mason

There are many useful guitar for beginners tips and they can be very useful for those learning how to play the guitar. There are actually three main types of guitar, the acoustic guitar, electric guitar and classical or Spanish guitar. The classical guitar has a hollow body the most commonly used strings for this guitar are nylon based. This type of guitar can be used in any type of music.

The acoustic guitar is very similar to the classical guitar, as they both don't need amplification. The classical guitar has a smaller neck and can be plugged into an electrical sound system is also uses steel rings. The electric guitar needs electric amplification to be played and unlike the other guitars it does not have a sound hole.

There are many different ways to learn the guitar and it may take some time to find the right method for you. If you are unsure of how to begin you should consider taking lessons from a professional. A guitar professional will know exactly which exercises to give that will help you learn how to play the guitar and build up muscles in your hand. They will also be able to help you through any tough or trouble spots.

In order to improve and actually play the guitar you will need to practice. In order to play the guitar you need to develop a muscle memory so you need to continuously practice until your fingers can move all on their own and you don't actually have to think about playing the guitar. Playing scales and a few simple chords can get your fingers to remember what frets and strings need to be played in order to produce notes and chords.

Besides practicing to play the guitar you should also see about learning to read music as well as understanding music theory. These skills will make it possible for you to play any type of music in any type of situation. Understanding music theory and music reading is highly recommended for all musicians. - 18762

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