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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Learn To Play The Piano: What You Need To Know

By Bart Icles

The piano, which has been invented in the early 18th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori, Prince Ferdinand de Medici's keyboard instrument maker, in Florence, Italy, is one of the most universally acclaimed musical instruments of all time. Although a lot of instruments have been invented, the piano is a class all its own since it can play different types of notes, soft or hard, high or low, which can be blended into different types of music, may it be jazz, classical, pop, rock, and other genres.

Pianos typically have 88 keys. A grand piano, which is the one being used most often at concerts and musicals and other types of grand entertainment, has about 10,000 parts. Learning to play the piano can be a daunting thing to anybody without the proper training and the proper background.

Most of us who had normal childhoods have had different types of tutorials and classes that we have, at one point, attended. Our parents think that going through the different lessons or classes will be able to mould us into what we will be in the future when we grow up. More likely than not, they have enrolled us in piano lessons in the hopes that we will be able to develop the talent. Not a lot succeed, though, since not all people would really like to learn it.

Anybody, though, can learn to play the piano, of course. All you need to have is the drive and the want to be able to learn it and to become successful in it as well. Here are the basics:

1. To be able to learn how to play the piano, you need to be familiar first with the different keys. Take note that from left to right, the notes become higher, and to be able to play it well, you need to know where your hands are supposed to be. The most basic note that you should start with is the Middle C.

2. You might be wondering why there are black keys in between the white keys. The white keys are the natural notes or tones, while the black keys are the tones in between the natural ones. Be familiar of the notes - A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, along with the sharp notes and the flat notes.

3. There are three pedals in a piano that you should know how to use. The leftmost one is the soft pedal or the una corda, the middle one is the sostenuto pedal, and the rightmost one is the damper pedal. Other pianos only have two pedals. They are used to modify the tones when playing the piano.

These are the basics that you need to know about the piano. When you learn to play the piano, you will be able to find out a myriad of interesting things. - 18762

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