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Monday, July 13, 2009

7 Great Songs Featuring Piano By The Beatles

By Jason R. Bohener

Maybe it's because of Paul McCartney's idolization of Little Richard that he played piano in quite a few of The Beatles songs but unlike Little Richard, The Beatles usually used piano for ballads (although there is "Lady Madonna" which is certainly not a ballad.) This article is a look at seven Beatles songs which feature a piano as the main instrumentation.

"Hey Jude" is definitely a classic. It was a huge hit single all around the world in 1968 and now in 2009 it remains one of The Beatles best known and loved songs. It's length (over 7 minutes) was groundbreaking at the time and for many years it was the longest #1 single of all time in both the UK & US.

"Let It Be" is currently the most played Beatles song according to the Last.FM music site. Obviously this is a song that has a timeless quality to it. The piano part that McCartney plays for this song is quite simple and I think that's part of it's charm. Another great element of this beautiful song is the gorgeous guitar solo by George Harrison.

"The Long & Winding Road" is a pretty ballad that was overblown by Phil Spector's over the top production on the version released in 1970. The more stripped back version heard on Let It Be... Naked allows you to hear McCartney's true intention for this song (and lets you hear the piano that's pretty much drowned out in the Spector version.) I really like the little organ solo on the stripped down version.

"For No One" wasn't a hit single like the previous three songs but for many Beatles fanatics it's one of their greatest songs. It's a great example of the kind of song casual Beatles fans are missing out on by just sticking to the "Greatest Hits" compilation albums.

"The Fool on the Hill" is an awesome song on an awesome album (Magical Mystery Tour.) I think this is an underrated song from an underrated album. It's so cool because it's hard to really place it in any particular category. But it is trippy, and I love trippy.

"Lady Madonna" was another hit song based on the piano (it hit #1 in the UK  in the US) for The Beatles. I would say it's amazing how many of The Beatles piano based songs became hits but really that's just par for the course for them. And, oh yeah, the melody for this song became a hit again in the 1990s for the band Sublime ("What I Got.")

"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" is most notable for it's ridiculously catchy melody and it's pumping bass guitar that really pushes the song forward but it does have some cool piano bits in there as well, particularly the intro which I think John Lennon actually came up with rather than McCartney. - 18762

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