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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Acoustic Guitar Lesson: "How To Practice"

By Josh Beltzami

Lately I have been getting this question from students a lot especially on their first acoustic guitar lesson. "How long should I practice?"

The answer to that is very objective and it all boils down to the following question. Are you learning guitar for fun or to master it? Guitar is the easiest instrument to learn and the most difficult to master or so they say.

It you want to became a professional 8 hours a day forever are a good start and this article is probably not of interest for you.

If you want to play for the fun of it and you are about to start learning then I have some good advice on how to do it in just 48 hours. I can imagine that many of you will not believe me but keep on reading to find out how I do it. To learn to play guitar well enough to jam with your friends and have a good time singing any song you like you need a total of 48 hours of practice. The way to do it is to set aside for 4 months and practice 30 minute 6 days a week. You obviously need to practice good exercises and not just goof around, I think that is quite easy to understand.

Four months are enough for you to learn all the basic theory, strumming techniques and all the chords you'll need to play some easy guitar songs.

A little bit every day is way better that a lot every blue moon. That's how we learn just about anything really, by repeating the same exercises a little bit every day, and in the long run developing muscle memory. Eventually all the chords & rhythms will became second nature.

Don't let the simplicity of this advice fool you, this is it! - 18762

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