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Monday, June 15, 2009

Wireless TV Headphones Are For Everyone, Not Just Old People

By Jason Gifford

These days having a pair of wireless TV headphones can solve several problems however they can also cause problems according to some. The worth of the headphones will hinge completely upon the individual wants and needs of the consumer.

Better listening and viewing experience

Wireless TV headphones do a lot for your ability to focus on a movie, game or TV show. Just think about all those times when you get interrupted by people partying, loud noises from the streets or those annoying rice rockets. Having wireless headphones helps to seal the sound from the headphones in and the noise from the outside out so you can get completely enveloped in the story.

One of the best features that come with these headphones is the noise canceling feature. Noise canceling technology is a great way to enhance your listening experience simply because it completely eliminates external ambient noise.

Great Sound Quality

Headphones will always be able to deliver better sound quality simply because the area they have to cover is so small. It makes it much easier to optimize for a small area rather than a large area that the speakers can't be customized for (except if you want to pay way too much money for an audio specialist to come in and do it all).

Think about it. It is much easier to navigate a room if you know exactly how that room is built, if you know all the walls curves and dynamics. Now compare yourself to audio frequencies.

With ears an audio specialist knows exactly what he's working with. Its just the shape of the ear and skin. In rooms material and shape vary widely so its harder to drill down to specific acoustical settings to create the best sound quality possible.

To conclude: Headphones will always be able to deliver better sound than loudspeakers because they're more consistent.

Foster Healthier Relationships

It might not makes sense that headphones would create better relationships. I mean after all they'll only isolate you from others in your home or apartment. Isolation aside though can be a great benefit to any relationship.

I always get so annoyed by all the extra noise when I just want to sit down in peace and quiet to read my book of the week and the TV has been blaring some ridiculous tv show and movie. AHHHH! Just talking about it makes me cringe haha!

It would all be solved if those watching the movie just had some wireless TV headphones. Then it would SILENT! I could focus on my book and they could focus completely on their movie. Everyone would be happy!

Whenever I want to just relax and watch my favorite TV show i can without bothering roommates or family if they need to do homework or if they're in the book reading mood too. And It's all because of The wireless TV headphones

So for these reasons alone you really ought pick yourself up a pair headphones. For the sake of your marriage! HAH! but seriously they can be a huge help to you when you just need some quiet time. - 18762

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